Silicone Rubber Bracelets: Are They Effective for Advertising?

Nowadays, silicone rubber bracelets are very popular and almost everyone has seen one. They have gone a long way from being just a fad in the 70s and 80s. If you will be walking down the street, you will surely see somebody wearing one. Have you ever wondered, what’s the purpose of the messages printed on these bracelets? Well, the answer is simply, advertising!


As we all know, advertising is a technique to persuade and encourage somebody to continue doing something that has been done before or to do something that’s entirely new. One of the most common forms of advertising is the use of television commercials to promote new products and services. However, this is expensive and time consuming. This will involve a thorough planning about the commercial’s focal message and of course, deciding on who will promote the product. Would it be Michael Jordan or Jennifer Lopez? Hiring popular personalities can mean spending millions of dollars on fees alone. Television advertising is one of the most expensive marketing tools to promote a product, and that is why many have learned to develop new and effective ways to advertise.


Effective Marketing Tools

If you are wondering whether silicone rubber bracelets are effective for advertising purposes, the answer is that it is in fact very effective. Many have seen their power to advertise and marketing experts believe that these little magic bands will still stir the interest of people in the coming years.


Many companies who want to make their name known to people across the country have sought the help of these bracelets. An effective way of doing this is by embedding the logo together with company’s name on these bracelets. Employees are encouraged to wear these bracelets even after work hours and thus all employees are instantly turned into walking advertisements! They get to promote their brand even while shopping at a department store, walking in the park or just having a meal at a diner.


Less Expensive Way of Advertising

Silicone rubber bracelets are considered to be the relatively cheaper advertising tool compared to other campaigns. What is good about their pricing is that the more you purchase, the cheaper each piece becomes. The prices per quantity range decrease as the number of orders increases. This is a good deal that many companies do enjoy from silicone rubber bracelet manufacturers.


Faster Way of Advertising

What’s great about these bracelets is that they serve their purpose immediately as soon as they’re worn! The moment somebody sees them, advertising is in progress. Isn’t that amazing? Another thing is that production of these bracelets is not a hassle at all. With the right materials and equipment available, total production time, which includes the actual manufacturing, printing and embossing may take only ten business days for a thousand pieces! If you are short of preparation time and you need to get your marketing done, consider these bracelets as very good options.


Silicone rubber bracelets are definitely effective when it comes to advertising. They are very trendy, handy and they can catch people’s attention easily. And what’s more, they don’t cost a fortune!